As part of our job, we work within a culture that values environmental protection and the preservation of natural resources. For us, acting in accordance with the Code of Ethics while doing our job means adhering to ethical thinking and practices not only in our work and business relationships but also in our relationships with the environment and society. We believe that it is important for our employees to not only receive training on this issue but also to learn by doing and develop their skills in order to integrate the sustainability approach within the company. While we are developing systems and processes that will support this environment, we are also planning work that will enable our employees to integrate more systematically into the subject in order to achieve our sustainability goals together.
On the one hand, we integrate the concept of sustainability into our business practices, and on the other hand, we are proud to take our place among the companies that are cited as exemplary globally as a result of the meticulous and careful work of our Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSE-Q) team.
What We Have Achieved
- Within the framework of the importance we attach to occupational health and safety, we received the "International Occupational Safety Award" given by the British Safety Council in 2024 for the 10th time.

- We have been fully complying with all measurement requirements and commitments of SQAS (Safety and Quality Assessment for Sustainability) since 2005. As one of the best implementers of the system by scoring well above the European average, we also became the owner of the OCS certificate by fulfilling all the requirements of the Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) program, an international initiative launched by SQAS as of 2023, which aims to reduce the plastic granule loss of the plastic industry to the environment and raises awareness on this issue.

As part of this initiative, which aims to ensure that plastic granules, particles and dust passing through production facilities in Türkiye are handled with the necessary care and do not mix with rivers or seas , we continue our work to leave cleaner seas and the world for future generations.
- We also crowned our environmentally sensitive approach in the logistics sector with the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) 2023 rating results. CDP, a London-based international non-governmental organization that annually asks the world's largest companies to provide information on their greenhouse gas emissions, energy use, and the climate change risks and opportunities they pose, has announced the environmental performance of the companies it cooperates with for 2023. Our company received an “A” score for its emission reduction initiatives and low-carbon products, while its overall score was published as “B”. We are carrying out many projects to reduce the emissions we create, from increasing combined freight transport trips to including the use of renewable energy sources in our energy consumption. At the same time, our contributions to suitable afforestation areas throughout Türkiye and our efforts to reduce the use of natural resources continue uninterrupted.
Ethics Committee
- Ethics Committee, Alışan Lojistik A.Ş. Responsible for investigating and resolving complaints and notifications regarding violations of ethical rules within the scope of the Ethical Conduct Policy.
- Working Principles of the Ethics Committee, which operates under the Board of Directors The Ethics Committee carries out its work within the framework of the principles set out below:
- It keeps the identities of those making notifications and complaints confidential.
- Conducts the investigation as confidentially as possible.
- Has the authority to request information, documents and evidence related to the investigation directly from the relevant unit.
- Has the authority to request information, documents and evidence related to the investigation directly from the relevant unit.
- The decisions taken by the Committee are put into effect immediately.
- The relevant departments and authorities are informed about the result.
- While performing their duties on this matter, the chairman and members of the committee act independently and without being influenced by the department managers to whom they are affiliated and the hierarchy within the organization. They cannot be pressured or indoctrinated on the subject.
- If deemed necessary, the Committee may seek expert opinion and benefit from experts by taking precautions that will not violate the principles of confidentiality during the investigation.
Ethics Hotline
As Alışan, we value open and transparent communication. There is an Ethics Line application so that our employees and stakeholders can report activities that violate Alışan's "Business Conduct Rules or Company Policies".
Every ALIŞAN employee, supplier and business partner has the right and responsibility to make notifications on the following issues verbally or in writing through the specified communication channels;
- Transactions and actions that are contrary to all applicable laws and regulations.
- Transactions and actions that are contrary to current accounting records, practices, regulations, procedures and principles.
- Transactions and actions that undermine the internal control environment and contradict the company's practices and procedures.
- Embezzlement, corruption, fraud, abuse and similar actions, all ethical irregularities regarding corporate business principles
All notifications made will be treated with absolute confidentiality under all circumstances. It is the responsibility of the Ethics Committee to keep all communicated matters confidential.
The main actions expected to be reported via the Ethics Line are defined in our Ethics Policy.
Ethics Committee, Alışan Lojistik A.Ş. Responsible for investigating and resolving complaints and notifications regarding violations of ethical rules within the scope of the Ethical Conduct Policy.